Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I got up this morning and had the place to myself for what seems like ages - the BF was at work :-) How did I spend my tiny bit of quality time? Did I do some yoga? Go for a long walk with the dog? Get on with some housework? No, I made my Rapunzel scarf - something for me for a change. It's been ages since I made myself something. So I was still in my pj's at 10 o'clock, plaiting furiously, and this is what I made

Lovely, isn't it? Here's a full length shot - the whole 10 yards. The yarn came from assorted generous Craftsters who sent me selections of gorgeous yarns from their stashes as part of the Ongoing Wish Swaps.

And here's a close-up. I plaited some lengths of ribbon in with little purple and pink faceted beads too, as well as some little bells from my bead box that I used to have wrapped in my dreads. I jingle. I love it.




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