Saturday, January 19, 2008

A day of rainbows!

I'm so sick of rain! After changing the bedsheets this morning, I decided to add a cheery splash of colour to the room with my rainbow blanket. I crocheted it years ago and we quite often use it in the caravan. I'd bought in to give it a wash before the season started; I love the bright colours, it chases the grey rainy day away.
And the rainbow theme continued today. I put my hula hoop DVD on this morning, but it wouldn't play properly, I think the Virgin Media bloke buggered up the whole TV/DVD/stereo set up when he came the other day. I couldn't work out how to sort it out, so I had to wait for the tech support guy (aka M) to come home from work *lol* I'm not technophobic, in fact I like to think that I'm a techno-babe, but there are so many wires at the back of the TV, that I daren't even touch it! So with that plan thwarted, I turned my attention to the dress. Alas, I had forgotten to prewash the fabric! It's the one thing I always forget. So that plan was thwarted too; I loaded the fabric in the washing machine and it's drying as we speak. If I'm lucky, it will be ready to cut tomorrow. So the rainbow theme? It was another UFO FO. I have this wonderful rainbow scoodie made by Gringo a hippy fair trade clothing company. I've had it for years and love it, but I never wear it because it's in a cotton stocking knit, which isn't that warm, and also curls at the edges. Badly. So my cunning plan was to line it, and I figured I had just enough of the black polar fleece left from lining my Kittyville hat to do the job.

There, much better. Toasty warm and none of that nasty curling.

Rainbow and rainbows. Happy colours for a grey nasty day :-)




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