Can you believe it? We came down this morning to find that our fridge freezer has packed up. Grrr! We are having the crappest luck this year. I thought last year was bad, but this year is even worse. And we're no strangers to bad luck. Hell, we've even been flooded and lost everything. Do you ever think that somewhere, some supreme spiritual force *insert deity of choice* is screwing with you? I think that alot. There is no way that we can afford to buy a new one, or even a second hand, new-to-us one, so I immediately put a plea up on Freecycle and luckily someone has an old one that they can spare us. It's too late for all the food though. We cooked as much as we could and the rest will have to be thrown if we can't eat it in the next day or so.
Ah well, enough of feeling sorry for myself, have a look at the skirt I made earlier with my newly serviced sewing machine :-) The pattern I used was an American one I bought before I realised it was American and therefore was a size smaller than I needed. So I did what any good craft addict would do, I winged it and increased the size by eye. Sadly, my eye is obviously failing me at the moment, and yes, you've guessed it, it's too big. *lol* Never mind, I'll take it in and up another time. I quite like it though!
I've had this Celtic pendant for ages, but didn't wear it very often because I felt it was a little small. So I teamed it up with some black lamp worked beads and some hematite ones and came up with this.
I like to make my own jewellery. I don't feel guilty when I get bored of it and take it apart to make something new *lol*
Here are some new crystal pendents I made for my eBay shop. I love the blue lace agate ones. Such a nice stone! I'm always attracted to it; I think it's because the colour stimulates the throat chakra and it's always seen as a stone to aid communication - as a quiet person, I need all the help I can get on that front. And I adore tigers eye - it's the crafters friend - a stone of creativity.
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